Winner of the Sniper 2.3 mtr

Here are the correct answers of the contest questions:

1). How many kites is the whole serie of Mumba’s?
Anser: nine kites

2). What is the weight of a complete Aero?
Answer: 46,5 kg

3). From which month in 2011 was the MG Aero available?
Answer: April

4). Teamrider Bram now rides an Aero, what whas his buggy before this one?
Answer: MG CrooZer

5). What sizes of Snipers were tested in the Kites & Friends?
Answer: sizes 4.3 & 7.4

Among all the submitted answers there was only 69% correct.
Among these good answers there was 98% who also liked MG on Facebook.
We have chosen randomly one winner which will receive a brand new sniper 2.3 mtr.
We can tell you that this person is Casper Bosgoed!
He will be contacted soon so we can send him his price.

About the Author: admin