Introducing new website

Finally we have a new website.
With some help of experts we managed to set up a new website with better access for the user to find it’s information.
If you think it can be better please let us know. We also continue with improving the materials and pages.

To introduce the new site we want to hold a contest.

A). Find the answers to the next questions on the internet and send them to
B). Like us on the new MG facebook page. See the plugin here on the right.

30-03-2012 we close the contest, and on 31-03-2012 we will announce the winner.
(this is no April Fools’ Day)
Among the correct entries we will raffle off a Sniper 2.3 mtr.

1). How many kites is the whole serie of Mumba’s?
2). What is the weight of a complete Aero?
3). From which month in 2011 was the MG Aero available?
4). Teamrider Bram now rides an Aero, what whas his buggy before this one?
5). What sizes of Snipers were tested in the Kites & Friends?




About the Author: admin